
9 cards.variety is a wonderful thing…
Got the first one, from Arizona, right away:

# 2 hails from Santa Clarita 

Third up has no postmark,  so the best I guess is USA…

This cardboard masterpiece flew in from New York state:

# 5 came all the way from Aberdeen Scotland! 

The sixes also has no postmark,  but an Australian stamp, so YAY!

The last 3 all arrived on the same day. Can’t read the postmark on this one, but USA again…

And this one can only be pinned down to “midwest” an according to the artist, this card is part of an originally “uncut image” that I can view if I visit artist’s instagram. Pretty clever, there.

And finally, lucky # 9, the biggest of the bunch, and from Haverfordwest, UK (that’s Wales, that is)…

Nine out of ten is pretty good for the swap. Some folks post late, mail gets lost, life happens…I flaked one year, myself…
So, yeah…another successful swap, and another row for my hanging…art. 

Heh. You’ll see…

Spring Postcard Swap 2017

I made 10 postcards to send for iHanna’s Spring 2017 swap. 8 were pre-printed marketing postcards that came in a little packet, and the other 2 were from some OTHER marketing thing…doesn’t matter though, ‘cuz I just covered their stuff up with mine.

Right to it, then?

They all started with gesso and…oh…stenciling with archival ink (with those little, round, Tim Holtz sponges that Velcro onto a handle, ya know?), but on the black card, I used some fiber paste instead of ink.

Cuz I’m a rebel, I am.

Paint thinned with glazing medium (my new bff):

Groovy, right? I heard tell, nickel azo gold is magic. Nah…just a great orangey gold.

More stenciling with bright orange & the darkest blue I cold find:

What? Some stuff is subtle…

Super glossy gel all in here…

YAWN! this is the point where I was completely done with trying to remember to take a photo before I did something else, so…

Everybody got some washi tape, magazine clippings, more stenciling, & words.

….AND….I’m spent.

Yowza! Too many photos, maybe? Sorry…I have also received 9 out of 10 from other folks, but that’s for another time…

Putting paint down…

I’ve been artsing my pants off around the way, but haven’t posted a damn thing here.

I finished my mini journal last Tuesday and I finished my Journal 52 from 2015…17 months after 2015…TA-DA! Heh. 


I have actually filled 4 complete journals…

And am nearing the finish line on 2 others (they are larger, though). I’ve committed to 6 (!) other large journals, a mini 8-pager for my trip (in 3 weeks, WOOT!!!), and I’m working out the logistics of filling the Fabriano paper pages of a leather covered, hand bound, mini journal a friend gave me in ’03. Now, this girl introduced me to MOTL*, so I’ll always thank her for that, but she’s really kind of a tool, and we haven’t spoken in years. 

Example: She wrote on the first page of the journal she gave me. About herself. Who does that?!? Honestly! 

In the end, I win…cuz I’m a lefty…so she wrote on the LAST page.  HAH! First time I completed the last page of a journal first…

Oh! It’s spring postcard swap season…I sent my 10 away…have received 4 so far…but I’ll tell you about it when I get ’em all!

*MOTL = My Own True Love.