Category Archives: Art Journal

Day 12 blog along. Day 1 Aries Moon Vow.

That’s right…I have been keeping up with Effy’s blog along so far, and I love this shit.

In addition, in my Art Class on Saturday, I vowed on the dark of the Aries Moon that I will get paint on my fingertips.

I did this with my fingers.

I was testing out my new paint from yesterday in one of my art journals.

I anticipate that these iridescent colors will REALLY pop on black paper.

Also, I ❤ Iris Apfel.

It’s Me! In the Thing!

I’m so happy to be making something Arty!

Tonight was my journey back to my place, to prepare for my work week.

She’s licking my fingers cuz I had salmon for dinner.

I came home to her, so all is well…

Over the past month or so…

I have been working on faces.

Drawing, activating watercolor pencil, spraying with workable fixative, painting, stenciling, shading faces.

Love her.
The arrows are raised (3-D). I like her heart shaped face.
She just showed up from FAR away…
She just came out. I think she’s as incredulous about current events as I am.
I love her. She looks beautiful in spite of having too many tabs open (story of my life).
I started all of these in one week.
Step one: drawing with watercolor pencil.
Activated watercolor pencil on hair, etc.
Activated the rest of the shading

The pic above is an homage to my HS friends, Andrea and Lorri. Andrea is still my dearest friend.

Back in the day

I have received a Commission to paint a work mate’s portrait. This will be my 2nd Commission.

I am an artist. Apparently I am becoming a professional artist.

I rule, ya’ll.

Art Basics Video from work

In it, I explain some differences in black pens, types of paper, and gesso.

This video was filmed and edited by my coworker, Sean Smith, who is truly awesome and made me look pretty good.

I hope you like it.

This was filmed for and through Solano County Library, using equipment from The Makery at the JFK branch in Vallejo, California.

I’d make more if there was interest…

I made this …

Put gesso on a paper bag, then just went for it.

I kinda like her.

I’m in painting mode again, now that my gear is at Matt’s. I can paint on the weekends when I actually have some time.

I have a crazy busy week with Dr. Appointments and job interviews!

I’m interviewing on Friday for a supervising librarian position in my current system.

No pressure…

Feeling the fruits of practice

I have been taking year-long, online art classes from Effy Wild. I started with Journal 52 when Effy took it over from the prior instructor, then in 2019 I participated in Book of Days, and now I’m in Moonshine for 2020. What a year so far!

Our latest lesson was a blast and I’m really starting to feel like I’m discovering my artistic style

I used my water-soluble pencil for the first time and I LOVE the watercolor effect

Liked it so much, I almost didn’t want to go further and “mess her up”

I dont have the exact supplies as my instructor but I make do with what I have.

I used red, white, and blue glitter paint as I didn’t have violet. I tried my red over the gold for the background but I thought it was too pink…
…so I covered it with Pyrole Red and wiped some back off. If I’d thought it through, I’d have used a more transparent red.

After I covered her glittery hair with nickel azo gold, I used a stencil to put the swirly gold marks.

Then I worked on her face. I’ve been sketching and shading at least a face per day for a few weeks now and I can absolutely see improvement in in my technique over that amount of time…

The quote is, “She’s mad but she’s magic. There’s no lie in her fire.” – Bukowski

I think this creation is inspiring me to work on canvas so that I can show some of my work in a local spot (I live and work in the downtown arts district).

I call myself an Artist now. Without sarcasm.

Stay tuned!

My First Commissioned Work

My second Brother,  the most fatherly of my Brohim, asked me to create a painting for a dear family friend. We have known Mike since I was about 8, so it’s a long time we’re talking about here.

Pages from an old book of Mozart scores makes the first layer…

Mike plays guitar and my Brother, Joe, plays the tenor saxophone, so I included an image of a Gibson Les Paul and a tenor sax.

A tenor sax is only a few inches shorter than a Les Paul…close enough.

I added layers of ultramarine glaze to the background.

So…I have a thing for circles and decided to add one here.  Modeling paste is a blast to work with…I love the texture.
I decided to shift the layers to convey movement.
Gold glazing to shine it all up some
This is the final version under one type of lighting
The final version in different lighting, complete with gilded edges and my signature on the back.

I delivered this to my Bro yesterday, and even though it’s belated, Happy Birthday Mike!

This was my second completed canvas…

Journal Number One

The “new” series of journals is numbered 1 through 6. The first 4 are 9 x 12, while #5 & #6 are 10 x 7.

Here is Number one, with coloring pages and random collages created during the first 3 months of the Covid-19 pandemic.  I rode out the first 2.5 months with my love and the 2 cats in Lodi, CA.

Front cover.
Inside front cover
– Dylan
Card and tag from my dear Judy. We had a girl’s day and got pedicures. The card includes an original poem by herself.
Loving all of this card!
The info on the right is about my Man…
There is more randomness in this book than most of the previous iterations
This was in commemoration of my first xmas with my love. He has changed my life for the better.
On photographing this book, I do realize that there are a LOT of weed labels in here.
I do love coffee labels, and Dylan…
…and valentines from my nephew.
More random…
Zoltar says…
The easel is the one I received for xmas…the bitmoji cartoon is a true story.
My love decorated the dollar.
Stickers and coloring pages need a home too.
I won’t wear pink but it’s a fun color to art with…
Just more random
My love and I went to the beach on new year’s day…
Sometimes things go together…
Sometimes they are thrown together
With stuff hidden inside
At times things flow together easily…
…and sometimes you don’t know how to finish it.
Sheroes and great ideas…
Baby pictures and coffee labels…
Things that are waiting for that special something…
Works in progress…
Coloring pages…
Favorite patches and stickers…
My time spent…
My brain calmed…
More cannabis packaging…
Things I want to save forever…
Grand ideas…
Simple thoughts…
All you need…
My Aunt Grace loved owls. This is for her…
I was in prison for 3 years, 2 months and 3 days…
Fun in the small spaces…
Fun with local flair..
More things that hide…
Simply mine…
One last random page, and the inside back cover…
With more hidden things.
Back cover.

And that’s the end of that.

Now I’m off to work on #s 2 through 6.

Five is going to be fun as it is all about my love…

Teal Art Journal

It’s the last one of the series…and almost as big as the blue journal.

There are more Slam Book type of pages in here…

But a lot of paint as well…

Rob Thomas:

Rad-a-Tat is where I got my first tattoo:


Just trying to be helpful:

Henry Rollins:

Joan of Arc:


Big pallet tester page:

True message:



Positive self-talk:


Random thoughts:

…and hopes…

CLA 2019LXL:

Every day I wake up like this:

No pressure:

My second favorite page in this book:

It’s ME!


True always:

Quoting Morticia Addams:

Norman Vincent Peale:

Playing with faces again…


More truth:



They are shiny…

America? The earth?

This is my favorite page in this book :

It me again!



From a wall at AA:

It just takes a long time…


Feel it:

Mermaids ahoy!

Been told yes…

Message from my Brother:

What a shame:

Reality just gets in the way…

I am:

My circle…

In the greenery:

More truth:

For S.

Sleep is my favorite thing.

Back cover:

And that is the last of this series. I started 6 journals over 3 years ago and now they are all ‘done,’ as much as they can be. I usually don’t go back and add anything to the pages later. That’s not to say that I can’t. Because its ALL MINE and I can do what I want with it all!


So…now I have 6 new, blank books waiting for me to get started on a new series. No pressure at all, as I currently have 22 more backgrounds to create for my friend’s book…