Category Archives: video

My Friday…

For the month of April, I work Tuesdays through Saturdays, so today is my Friday.

Being a #saturdaylibrarian is mostly the same as weekday librarian-ing, except that the Vallejo Farmer’s Market that occurs every Saturday from 9-2 increases foot traffic, as it’s right around the corner from the library, on Georgia street.

Ted “Theodore” Logan

This is Ted.

Ted lives just outside the library door, on the City Hall side.

Ted loves unsalted peanuts.

He’s just so perky…

Welp! The work week is over for me…its time to pack it up and drive to Woodbridge to be with my Heart…

in Monterey

PS – I love talking to ya’ll every day!

A new Art Space is being formed

My Love has been organizing the items that have been stored in the spare room at his place. This is the room that will become my Art Studio there.


I’ll bring my Ott Light to replace that lamp in the corner, but this table is SUPER sturdy, and the chair is nicer than my work chair.

My Love also brought the art supplies I’ve had in the dining room, into this room, and sorted them really well, truly.

The cardboard in the window will be replaced by one of my wonderful tapestries.

I am looking forward to making some art in this room.

More importantly, this was all done by the Love of My Life, because he supports my Art Practice and Process.

I love this photo….

I am incredibly blessed and lucky.

Song of the Day

*day 5, under the wire cuz I’m on the West coast.