“Travel photos”

I’ve been out & about for most of June (17 days in Kansas & Oklahoma, 5 days in San Francisco) and I am JUST getting unpacked, laundry caught up, cat affection overloaded…

I’m going through my photos and I have some to show you…

These are “background” shots of random surfaces in Alcatraz prison and on Alcatraz island. I got to tour the prison on 6/26 with a couple of Librarian friends and it was SO COOL, and not JUST because I got to wear blue jeans in a prison!


Elizabeth and Me.  If you get the chance to go most anywhere with a Librarian (or 7!) DO IT!


This is the spot that got me started on being the weird girl, taking pictures of walls and floors, at Alcatraz.


This is a GLORIOUSLY chipped-paint wall in the chow hall. It’s like cloud pictures, where the more you look at it, the more you “see.”


This is a floor in a “pass through” and the marks are from grenades thrown by the US Marines when the prisoners took over part of Alcatraz in 1946.


This is the floor in the chow hall. If I had not seen this section, I would not have known that the worn “floor” was covered in sealed canvas-like material.


Here you can see the different layers…red canvas on black Paint? Adhesive?, over concrete. I just find it so interesting that cloth was used in an eating area at all, sealed or not.


Part of a wall outside. I am endlessly fascinated by green things that grow, but that is most likely because I currently reside in a barren wasteland of a desert.

I have been working on some art journal pages, but I’ll post them later, once I get caught up on Journal 52 (no worries, only a week behind there) and I’ll share some fun stuff I made on my Midwest adventures…

Oh! And these “background” shots will someday become part of future art I WILL CREATE!


(Happy 4th of July, y’all…be safe and eat MUCH BBQ!)