My littlest art journal

I’ve been carrying this little art journal around for quite a while now (more than 2 years?) It fits in my purse w/o fuss and has kept me from “going postal” in more than one of those meetings that should have just been emails…




There are many pages “in progress” and some blanks just waiting to save lives…


There are pages of stamped art..


And a whole lot of stencil lurve…


Oh! My little one! There may come a day when you are “finished” but until then,  your covers will get beat up at the bottom of my purse.
Which is why I decorate art journal covers LAST, if at all.

PS – Is it weird that once I post pictures of my journal pages, I get ideas about how to “finish” them?

Journal 52 2015

Yes, I am doing this now too. Perhaps more than last year, perhaps not.
Week 9…Artistic Restraint


Black, white & red. Watercolor,  acrylic,  scrapbook paper, and sakura gel pens.

Week 11…Just Write.


Cheap Artist Loft butterfly stencils, Folkart stencil cream paints & a Hampton art dye marker to KEEP WRITING!
As long as it’s fun, I’ll keep doing it. I have enough pressure in my life….