Category Archives: canvas 2

It’s 7:30pm…

…and it’s basically my “Friday” night. I did the just work of the library, went to the gym (why is it always arm day?) and am now sat on my queen chair with Emily on my lap, and she is insisting that I do not move from here.

My coworker/gym partner/friend and podcaster, Sabrina (of Sabrina and me!

I want to paint…I took out the trash because it smelled like hair color remover (worse than a perm) and I have a renowned capacity to ignore dirty dishes, so I will sit here for a while longer (for Emily, you know…) then paint in my journals, like this:

or in my Book Of Days, like this:

Or on my new canvas, like this:

OR on one of the illustrations for my friend’s book of songs:

…so the options are open…hmm….

Welp…since I’m meeting with the author tomorrow, that decides it…

I’ll eat my leftover pizza salad (you don’t know pizza salad?! Get thee to MOD Pizza) and listen to my girl’s podcast while I make the art…have a great weekend!