There IS other Art though…

With all the poasts about Journal 52 and my joy at finally catching up on all the prompts, one might think that it is all I do when it comes to “artsing” (my best friend, an art student’s, word), but that is not the case.

I mailed out my 10 postcards for iHanna’s spring swap and have already received 2 in yesterday’s mail. Hanna does this twice a year (I think). This is my 3rd time participating and it is TOO FUN!

This time, I painted/stamped/doodled on a BIG piece of mixed media paper (18″ x 24″) before I cut it down into postcard-size.


I had to gesso the back side of the paper to stop it from curling so much, but that was fun too!


After I cut the page up, I made more marks on each one I chose (I have eight [8!] extra cards to play with!) to mail and added address labels with my email and this website address on it.

Right up until the moment I drop all 10 into the mailbox, I feel like my contribution to this swap is lame and so much less than other folks’, but then I start to receive my cards from other people all over the world and realize that I MADE SOMETHING COOL and gave it away to strangers. This fact AUTOMATICALLY makes my art awesome, I think.


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This works both ways, too. The art I receive is ultimately cooler for having been sent to me by people I will likely NEVER MEET.

Makes the world a LITTLE BIT smaller and more friendly!

I HAVE caught up!

I seriously HAVE caught up on Journal 52.

Week 17

Week 17 – Treasure – The usual, acrylic, paint and gel pens, stencils and a random piece of junk mail.

Week 19

Week 19 – Outside in. This is a random photocopy of a sci-fi illustration that I colored with gel pens and too much imagination, I think.

Week 21

Week 21 – Top 10 Lists. Acrylic, gel and paint pens, stencils and glitter paint.

It’s pretty cool what I can get done while binge-watching Dr. Who!

Four in one weekend!

I finished four (4!) pages for Journal 52 over the weekend!

Week 6 – Windows.

I was playing with some Folkart glitter paint I found on clearance and then went with it on this one.

Week 6

Week 13 – Spring Cleaning.

No matter how many times I told myself that I didn’t have to ACTUALLY clean to get this page done, I was still stumped until I came up with this mess. It IS fun to play with watercolors though…

Week 13

Week 18 – Observations

I picked up this Balzer Designs stencil on my trip to Fresno and HAD to use it. It inspired my page for this prompt so well, I think. I DO love to watch people wherever I go…

Week 18

Week 20 – Good Advice.

This is some of the BEST advice I have ever taken to heart, and I had fun with watercolors again!

Week 20

So…If I can finish two (2) more pages before the new prompt comes out on Friday, I will be caught up.

I won’t know how to act, of course…

More pages

.I just got home from a road trip to Fresno (8+ hours each way) and I’m wiped, but I wanted to post the pages I finished last week.

Week 8

Week 8 – Aromatherapy. BIG surprise…It’s coffee! The smell of coffee is one of the BEST scents in all the land.

It seemed like it would be too easy to put a nose on the page, so I messed with my own head a bit and here we are…

Week 15

Week 15 – Cards. I had thought of using lotteria card for this but that would involve locating them in my stash…heh.

Both of these pages were finished during my monthly day-long-boring-as-hell training at work. I do what I can to keep from fidgeting all day (and stabbing people out of boredom).

I am getting close to being caught up with the Journal 52 prompts and I hope to get to some more by next weekend when I go up to a cabin near Julian with some friends. No interwebs & no cells for 2 DAYS!

I’m putting together little art bags for both of them so they can play too!

Off to bed…

Catching up! Journal 52

Finished 2 more pages over the weekend… I had sprayed two pages with walnut and java ink a few weeks ago and planned to extend this “conversation” page. The background ended up being darker than I had anticipated. It was difficult to add color on top of the spray. Live and learn in Art Journaling!

Week 3 – Conversation Starters

Week 3

Stencils, paint, gel and sharpie pens over walnut and java spray inks.

I DO love using my favorite beverage(s) as MY journaling subject…

Did discover an art supply that I DO NOT like for Week 5 – Television.

Week 5

I used Folkart stencil crème with stencils to add the tree branch and the bird in the cage and, over a week later, that black is STILL not dry. I picked this stuff up on sale, thinking that it would be more portable and useful when I journal out in the wild, as I am wont to do.


This has a an acrylic paint background, a picture from an advertisement, stencils and CRAPPY paint, rub-ons, and gel & paint pens.

The subject matter, television. is something I had struggled with until I had my cable turned off…now it bothers me not at all. I have Netflix and such for whenever I want to watch something but it’s never on as “background noise” and I don’t get sucked into crap I don’t care about. I don’t really miss it.

Yay me! More time to get artsy and that makes me happier than the “idiot box” ever could.