
I have NOT been creating art for WAY too long here, and that has to change. I have been helping my best friend and my brother with their homework (they both went back to college and I am SO PROUD of them!) to the exclusion of nearly everything else for a few weeks now. See, I’ve always been wordsmith-ish. I learned to read so young, I don’t remember when it happened. I was not allowed to attend preschool becasue I already knew how to read. And now I am a Librarian, so words are in my career and in my blood, so to speak.

In any case, I assist most everybody I know with editing and creating things with words, and this means that the “journaling” part of “Art Journaling” has never been an issue for me. I have been writing in a journal for MANY years, but only strarted to ad color and shape to my pages fairly recently. It is still much too easy for me to slip back into the “writing only” rut I had been in (which is why I am trying so hard to expand my creativity, because it feels like a rut) and I am trying to break out of that spot.

I signed up for iHanna”s postcard swap and need to have 10 handmade postcards ready to mail by May 1st. Yeah. Haven’t even started that. And I am so far behind on the Journal 52 prompts, it’s like I haven’t done any (4/16 is pretty lame, I say). However, instead of beating myself up for not doing more, and making this art-making thing into a chore, I’m gonna just roll with it.

So….roll with me?